Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Stepford Spouses in Training?

Blakey started preschool today. I know, right? Where did that come from? Well I had found a preschool a few months ago that was reasonably priced. It's at a church. I got the application papers and then just kind of spaced off mailing them in until last week. Then I wondered if they even have an opening anymore. So I called. Busy. Called again. Busy. This went on about four more times last week. So I e-mailed. Nothing. Until Sunday afternoon when I finally got an e-mail back. The lady said, yes, we have one opening left, call me tomorrow. So I called, left a message and she called me back in the afternoon. Everything was a go.

Last night on my way home I went to find the place because, being the spectacular parent that I am, I have never even checked this place out. I was planning on doing it last week but, well, you can see how that turned out. Found the place no problem.

So today I take him to his first day. He was sporting his Batman backpack that he had to have when we were buying Emily's school supplies. As I'm parking the car I realize I'm the only one actually driving a CAR. All the rest of the mothers are driving mini-vans. Weird. We go into the church, go downstairs to the pre-k part and there are other moms who apparently had kids enrolled last year b/c they all know each other and they're chatting it up. They're all talking about their homeschooling and how it's going and about MOPS meetings. MOPS is a group of women that meet at the church a couple times a week...month...don't really care. Mothers Of Pre Schoolers. That's what they call themselves. MOPS. I'm just waiting for the invitation. I know it will come. That's when I get to tell them I'm not interested in becoming a Stepford Wife, nor do I want to join a group of mothers and wives that call themselves something that is also a cleaning apparatus. Just let me take and pick up my kid and leave me alone. I thought the invitation was going to come when I went to pick up Blake. One of the moms pointed at me while she was in the middle of a conversation she was having with another mom about MOPS. I thought, "Aw, lord. Here we go." She said, "Your name is Amy?"


"And this is your son's first year?"


"Was he scared?"
"Heck no. He couldn't wait for me to leave."

(Because I don't produce clingy, crying kids. It's called I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-C-E. Later we can talk about whether I was sad, but Blake, heck no.)

"Wow. Really?"

"Yeah. I told him I was leaving and he said, 'ok.'"

Luckily just then the teacher came out to dismiss the kids. What a relief. I got out of that one. We'll see what happens on Thursday. I may have to fake a bout of diarrhea, run off towards the bathroom, make a left and jump in my car.

They sent home a calendar of some of the topics they'll be talking about this month. On the 18th they'll be talking about the color black and they said the kids can wear black. Well all of Blake's black shirts are not so much appropriate for a church preschool. They're filled with things like guitars, skulls and snarky phrases like, "Lock up your daughters." So while he was in class I headed to Target. There I found the PERFECT shirt. It's a black tshirt with white stitching. It has what looks like a white long sleeve shirt underneath it. In big white block letters across the front it says PRESCHOOL. OMG! I snatched it up, hardly even looking at the size. Then I realized I had a 4T which is what he wears now but a 5T would be better. Luckily they had one. I also immediately called my sister to tell her of my awesome find. Whoohoo! I can't wait for him to wear it. I hope there aren't any Stepford Kids wearing the same shirt on that day.

Also this morning Emily almost missed the bus. We walked out just as the kids were getting on. Emily pointed and shouted, "Oh no!" I said, "Run Emily! Run!" She made it just in time. I asked the one mom who was outside watching my little Forrest Gump try to catch the bus if the bus was early or if my clock was slow. She said there was a note sent home that the bus was coming 5 minutes early now. Never got that note. Our neighbor girl downstairs also didn't get the note and she DID miss the bus. As I was cooking dinner tonight Emily said, "Look at this." Out from her backpack in the little front pocket she produces the note about the bus. It's all folded seven ways to Sunday and looks like it was run over by the bus.

"That would have been nice to know before we got up this morning, Emily."

"I forgoooooot."


Still no RSVP's for Emily's birthday party in 2 weeks. Well, except for the neighbors downstairs. Hopefully the other moms are like me and just keep putting it off or forgetting about it. I did put my email addy in there in case they're also like me and just don't like calling strangers. Hopefully we can get a few of the girls from Em's class to come. She'll be so bummed if they don't!

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In no particular order I'm a wife, mother, sister, daughter and general observer of humans.