Friday, September 5, 2008

Sad News

On Wednesday night I had to sit the kids down and give them some sad news. My sister had called to tell me their dog had passed away the night before. Coti was a German Shepherd that they got as a puppy I think around 11 years ago. In the last couple of months she's gotten progressively worse to the point where she wasn't eating and couldn't even get up. I had just talked to my sister the night before and she was telling me her hubby was afraid he was going to have to take her to the vet to have her put down. They got lucky and she passed in her sleep that night. Since the kids are only almost 7 and almost 4 they've always had Coti around to play with. Coti knew when the kids came she would get a little extra attention, a little extra playtime and a lot of extra bones from my son.

When I got off the phone I shed a few tears. Not really so much for Coti but more for the kids. I've never had to "sit them down" to tell them anything. I dreaded doing it but I knew it had to be done. Being a Cancer makes you an overly emotional person anyway so of course I broke down a little as soon as I started to tell them. I think it scared them a bit so I really tried hard to keep it together. This wasn't the worst news you could tell anyone, by any means. Really no need to freak out!

Both of the kids reacted exactly how I thought they would. Blake didn't really understand. I told him that Coti was sleeping and wouldn't be at the house anymore. He said, "I know. I know she died." Emily looked at me for a second and started crying. I came into the room prepared with kleenex so I was ready. Emily had typical 6 year-old questions. Where is she now? Did they bury her? Will they get a new dog? Will it be a little dog? So we talked for a few minutes and she calmed down. I told her she might feel sad again later. I told her if she had any other questions to let me know. She seems fine now but I imagine the next time she goes out to my sister and BIL's house she might feel sad again.

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In no particular order I'm a wife, mother, sister, daughter and general observer of humans.