Friday, September 26, 2008

It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again

I don't think I've ever written about my fear of a certain song. It's a song that's freaked me out since high school. If it came on the radio when my bestie Tanya and I would be driving around we would both scream and then fight each other to change the station. Yes, she was freaked out by it too for the same reason as me. The song? "American Girl" by Tom Petty. I know, right? Not what you were expecting. Here's why it freaks me out. Remember "Silence of the Lambs"? Remember when the girl was in her car rockin' out to this song when she pulls up to her apartment and then gets knocked out and thrown down that hole by freaky guy? Yeah. Freaks you out too now, doesn't it? Even still when this song comes on I change the channel. It's kind of a bummer because it's a great tune. Tonight those feelings changed.

I don't usually watch "Ugly Betty". The only time I see it is the last couple minutes of it before Grey's comes on. Tonight Betty rocked out in her apartment when her cute neighbor started playing this song on his guitar. She was so cute dancing around that I actually watched it and let the song keep playing. IN FACT I even rewound it (dontcha love DVR?) and showed it to Adam when he came in the living room so he could see cute Ugly Betty dancing. NOW, I'm thinking about downloading it from iTunes. If I do I'm not sure I'll ever play it in my car but maybe this irrational fear is finally starting to subside. I wonder if Tanya still changes the channel when it comes on. I bet she does. I wonder if she watches Ugly Betty....hmm...

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In no particular order I'm a wife, mother, sister, daughter and general observer of humans.