Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hellrrrr...*tap, tap, tap* is this thing on?

I try not to check my blog's sitemeter too often. I think it would be pretty easy to get obsessed with it and I really just don't want to go there. I did check it tonight, however and have found that I doubled my monthly visits from June to September. Wow! I was pretty impressed with myself. Now I want to know who's out there. Who are you, lurkers? Why do you come here? Is my blog one that you check frequently or maybe one you just check out every once in a while. I'm really curious. I've been outing myself to some of my favorite blogs over the past year and I think it would be interesting to find out who all of you silent peekers are. If you're feeling brave, please send me a comment. If you would prefer for me to read it, but not publish it, I can do that too. I try to respond to all of my comments so don't feel like you will only be ignored!

1 comment:

Heather said...

My name is Heather, I come here because... well I'm not sure. You come to my blog (or at least have a link to it in your blog list) so I come to yours. I'm guessing you left a comment on mine but maybe I found you some other way. :-)

P.S. I am WAY... WAY behind on my bloglines and it wasn't updating right for awhile, which is why you posted this a month ago and I'm just now getting here....

About Me

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In no particular order I'm a wife, mother, sister, daughter and general observer of humans.