Wednesday, December 17, 2008

...and now a word from our sponsor

I get a little bummed sometimes when I don't see an update from some of my favorite blogs for several days. This year those delays have typically come about because a lot of my fellow bloggers have had or are about to have babies. I don't know what's in the water around my blog but if you're looking to get knocked up, come drink at the fountain that is my blog. Today, however, I get to lump myself in "that" category.


OHMYGODNO! I'm most certainly not preggers! Whew! No way! Should I find myself in THAT situation I would most certainly run away because A) While eight may have been enough for Dick Van Patten, TWO is most certainly enough for me. and B) We cut off Adam's baby making factory 3 months after having Blake, forshadowing the Hell he would already put us through even by the age of 4.

The category I am speaking of is those that negelect their blogs for days at a time. While I would like to make some really great excuse like, "I've had morning sickness 20 hours a day", or "my baby only sleeps 4 hours a day and cries the rest of the time." I obviously don't have those issues. I do, however have a very crazy work schedule right now and it's the holidays and...yeah...I've just been plain old lazy.

So a few things that have happened this week. We had a bit of an ice "storm" on Sunday night. Boo because I had to work that night but I have a kick-ass hubby who scraped off my car and had it toasty warm for me by the time I left and that was awesome. Then we got about 4.5 inches of snow last night. Again Adam cleaned off my car for me this morning so I could get to work. A few minutes late, but I made it.

On Tuesday morning Blake had his preschool Christmas program. He did so good! We were so proud of him. Also it was nice to sit in a church pew for a Christmas program without having to hear about money, which was the case every time we went to one of Emily's programs when she was enrolled in Christian School. No really. Every. Single. Time. If the minister wasn't talking about people paying their tuition on time then they were harping about the fundraisers or buying freaking chairs so they would have more seating for future programs. Ugh. Terrible! And so tacky. Like other family members want to hear about those things. Seriously. Here are a few pictures of Blakey in his program:

Last night Adam went to bed early so he could get up at 2am to help the BIL plow snow. That's what Adam does during the winter. He helps my BIL's snow plowing business. It puts cash in our pockets and gets the stink blowed off of him for a few hours. Works out for everyone. Anyway, after Adam had gone to bed Emily took a shower. Afterwards Blake was in bed and Emily was doing her homework while I watched TV. I looked over at Em and she looked different somehow. That's when I realized her right eyebrow looked a little funny. I asked her to come over to me and I saw that the top of her eyebrow was actually gone. When I asked her what happened she acted like she had no idea. I asked her if she had a sticker on her head or something and pulled it off, taking half of her eyebrow with her and she said no. She went in the bathroom to look at it and still denied knowing anything when she came back out. I looked her right in the eyes and said, "Really Emily. Tell me. What happened? There's no way part of your eyebrow can come up missing and you have no idea what happened. I wont be mad, I promise." She starts crying. The story goes like this:

Emily was in the shower washing her leg. She notices it feels prickly, "You know, like yours does sometimes." (thanks Em.) So she decides she's going to shave it. She goes for my razor when she realizes not only is her leg hairy, but the area between her eyebrows is too. She decides that before she shaves her legs, she's going to take care of her uni-brow. This is when she knocks off the top of her eyebrow. She said she saw all the hair in her hand and freaked out and threw the hair down the drain. She said she thought she shaved off her whole eyebrow but then felt that there was some hair left.


So now she's still crying and I'm trying not to laugh. I'm also very impressed with the fact that without a mirror, she's managed at the ripe old age of seven, to lob off the top of her eyebrow, cleanly, without so much as a cut on her face. Also without any real stubble. I said, "Are you crying because you're mad at yourself?" She nods. I said, "Well, you're going to do a lot of things that make you mad at yourself so it's ok." I asked her if she learned anything from this. "Yeah. Don't mess with your razor." I said, "Well. I don't think any of your friends at school are even going to notice so I wouldn't even mention it. I have to take your picture."

Adam didn't notice it today so when I got off work this evening I had to tell him the story. I thought he was going to die laughing. Obviously, after the eyebrow scare, she didn't dare go at one of her legs with the razor. Thank god.

Last weekend we went to Christmas in the Village in Downtown Davenport. It was from 6pm to 9pm with fireworks starting at 9pm. The weather started out decent, for December anyway, and despite Adam treating me like I was coo-coo for cocoa pops, I made the kids bundle up in every winter acessory they had. Turned out this was a great idea because it was pretty freaking windy and cold by the time we left. We had found a spot to sit with chairs outside of a coffee shop to watch the fireworks but Emily started complaining about 5 minutes before they started that she was cold and tired so we headed to the car. Just as we got to the car the fireworks started and they were directly across the street from us. We had an awesome spot, so we thought, until we realized the little things flying at us weren't bits of the tree we were standing under but actual bits of shells from the fireworks. The wind was blowing directly at us and turned us into targets. After about the fourth one and seeing the sparks from the fireworks scurry over our heads we decided to get everyone in the car and get outta there. As we pulled about 50 feet forward to a stop sign the fireworks finale started and we had a toasty warm (and safe) spot to watch them. We had a great time otherwise. We took a horse and carriage ride and got our pictures taken with all kinds of wintry friends. Blake was really freaked out by The Grinch but as he only seemed to weigh about a buck seventy, I told Blake I could take him if needed. Didn't matter. Blake hid with strangers to avoid the greeny meany.

This Friday is Emily's winter program and hopefully she can hang onto both of her eyebrows for the performance. If not, I'll surely have pictures.

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In no particular order I'm a wife, mother, sister, daughter and general observer of humans.