Wednesday, January 14, 2009

...well, now this is happening...

When I made a certain gift to give to my dad for christmas, I couldn't wait to blog about it. Then guess what? I forgot! So let me give you a little background...

The first xmas after I had Emily I put a bunch of pictures of her in one of those multiple opening frames and gave it to my dad for xmas. After I had Blake he wanted one for him too but I just kinda forgot. When my sister and I went xmas shopping the day after T.Giving I found an awesome black wood frame with multiple openings at a killer price at Kohl's so I bought it for dad with the intention of putting Blake pictures in it. Then, the onery little elf that resides in my head found out my plan. He thought it would be funny to put pictures of Adam in the frame. Not just in the frame, but in all 16 openings of the frame. I decided I would take cheesy pictures of Adam, like the kind you would find already in a frame when you buy it. We did it on Christmas Eve and I decided a Christmas theme to them would be fun. The best part of this is that until the last couple years, Adam and my dad have had a sort of Archie Bunker/Meathead type relationship so the thought of dad having 16 pictures of Adam hanging in his house was hilarious to think about. Since I had to work 2nd shift the night of Christmas eve, I took the pictures, which I printed in black and white, with me to work and put them in while I worked. I put the "real" pictures of the kids behind them so when all the fun ended, I could do the big reveal easily.

Let's just say I'm glad our office has one-way glass so no one could see me doing it because I was cracking up the whole time. My sister, BIL and Adam were the only ones who knew I was doing it so I took it with me to our family dinner on Christmas day so everyone could see it and my dad's reaction. We weren't sure how he was going to react. I for sure thought he wasn't going to realize it was all Adam in there at first but then would react like, "Aw, Jesus Christ! Why the hell would you think I'd want a bunch of pictures of THIS guy!" How he actually reacted was even better. He cracked up! Like laughed like I haven't seen him do in a really long time. Here's his reaction:

Here's the finished product as well as what it looked like with the kids pictures in it. From the look on dad's face, you'd think he actually liked the Adam version better:

And here are a few of my favorite pictures I took. Like I said, they have a Christmas theme. You may notice Adam's eyes are a little bloodshot. He'd been up for like 2 days and I woke him up from a much deserved nap to take the pictures. What a trooper!

On a slightly unrelated note, here is a picture of my sister holding a gift she got from our cousin, who is a dental hygentist at a place that does mostly dentures. That's right, it's a denture with the teeth painted red and green. She drilled a hole in it and strung it with floss for hanging on the Christmas tree. My sister got one and so did Adam and I. I got the upper, Adam got the lower denture. I thought it was so awesome, mine is hanging from my rearview mirror. They are actual dentures returned from actual people that have been sterilized. I hope someone sees mine in my car and thinks it was left to me in a will by grandpa.

1 comment:

LivingLifeBackwards said...

LOVE IT!!! I agree I think your dad liked Adam's pictures better!! HA HA HA TOO FUNNY!

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In no particular order I'm a wife, mother, sister, daughter and general observer of humans.