Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Just Let Me Live!

I survived. I survived the funk of 2009. Last Wednesday one of our neighbor's kids was pretty sick with the flu. High fever, vomiting, the works. The next night Adam and Emily were sick. Adam didn't vomit but Emily did. She was better by early Friday afternoon and then in the middle of the night on Friday it was Blake's turn. I was working Friday and Saturday nights but Adam called me at about 3:45am Saturday morning and said it was Blake's turn. By the time I got home Saturday morning at 7:30 Blake was fine and running all over the house. Adam and I doused the house in Lysol and kept our fingers crossed. Late Sunday afternoon I had a bad feeling. My stomach started to hurt a little and I just knew it was going to be my turn. Sure enough, just before 1am it started. By 6am I thought I was going to pass out and die. I really did. I had gotten rid of every ounce of liquid in my body yet the Toilet Gods still demanded more. I was supposed to work 1st shift on Monday, from 8:30 to 5 but I had Adam call my supervisor around 6:15 to let her know I might be dead by then.

Adam was super awesome the whole night I was sick. He cleaned up messes too gruesome to mention and didn't complain even once. He brought me towels and anti-nausea meds. He cut open the little packets of Immodium that required a lot more strength than I could summon. He made me a cup of hot tea at 5am. Around 6:30, when the worst of it was over and all we wanted to do was sleep we gave each other nicknames. Mine was Squirt, his was Superman. They lasted until we passed out about 3.7 minutes later.

A few hours later I woke up and felt somewhat better. While I still had to run to the bathroom to hold down the toilet RIGHT NOW, my stomach wasn't as bad. I was very tired but there was a light at the end of the tunnel. I was going to live. I grabbed Emily's new Fisher Price portable DVD player, my unopened season 4 of The Office and settled in bed for the day. I was only able to watch about an episode and a half between naps. Finally I felt a lot better by that night and was pretty much a human again by yesterday. I even worked out yesterday morning, though I definitely didn't give it 100%. Maybe like 62%. And I only rode the stationary bike for about 45 minutes because the thought of being upright on a treadmill made me woozy.

So anyway, here I am. Alive. Back to work again tonight. wooo.

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About Me

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In no particular order I'm a wife, mother, sister, daughter and general observer of humans.