Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"Do you have a goal? Ya gotta have a goal."

It's not too late to put in my order of New Year's resolutions, right? I figure as long as they're still made within the month of January, then there's no late fees. At least that's what the little procrastination devil inside my head is telling me, and frankly I'm akin to believe him. So, here they are, my New Year's resolutions for 2009...break out the horn section...

1. Lose some weight. I think my ultimate goal is about 35 pounds this year. Will that put me in that size 2 couture dress for the 2010 Oscar's next year? No, not even close, but it will prove that I can do it. I also hope that once I get on a roll loosing weight, that the ball will just keep rolling.

2. Workout more. Adam and I were doing super working out while Blake was in preschool but I've missed the last two times so now I'm naughty. Spank me. No really. I've been bad. OK, all kidding aside, I'm working on a workout goal, but I'm not sure what I want it to be yet. I know I want to combine some sort of cardio with some strengthening. Ultimately I think I'd like to walk a mile and bike a half a mile and then lift some weights. If I can do that 2x's a week, building up to 3x's a week, I'll be a happy camper. First though, butt to the gym!

3. OK, every year January rolls around and I say, "OK, this is the year I'm going to put money in our Christmas Club every week and I'm going to save up one month's worth of bills by the time Adam gets laid off in the winter." Then every year Adam gets laid off, Christmas is 4 weeks away and our checking account balance says "3.13." This year though, I WILL do it. I have to make a point to start it now. The sooner I start, the less I have to save back every week. Geez, even $10 a week would be something and it wouldn't be a huge amount of money that would be missed every week. I've missed out on putting money away for the last 2 Fridays, but no more. Starting this week, at least $10 will be put away for next winter.

4. Get better organized. Get rid of clutter. When we first moved in to the apartment, I felt very organized. I felt like the apartment wasn't cluttered and it made me want to do the dishes, put the dirty clothes in the basket instead of on the floor and just generally be neater. I've noticed in the last several weeks as I've gotten busier working full-time instead of part-time, Adam's gotten busier plowing snow, and with the holidays in general, the house is in a general upheaval and I'm messier because of it. Dishes I bring to the living room sit there, I'll take off my clothes next to the bed and not even bother to toss them 3 feet into the clothes basket, mail piles up here and there with no real place to go. I hate it. I want to quit it. I'm going to be realistic about it though. Am I looking for a squeaky clean house? Heck no, I have kids. I think there is a line of messiness though, and we've definitely crossed it.

5. Back onto the money thing, I want to be able to stick to a budget. I make budgets all the time, in fact I love doing it but I can't stick to one to save my life. Just once, even for a week, I'd like to follow a budget. I've got a whole year to do it...just once.

So these are my hopes for 2009. Extra bonus points to the person that can tell me what movie the quote is from that I used in the title of this post.


LivingLifeBackwards said...

Wow, we have all the same goals... well minus the house organization I'm an organization freak and my house bitch follows my rules quite well.
We should keep tabs on eachother!

AmyWaWa said...

You got it Lindsey! I'll keep an eye on your back fat, and you keep an eye on mine! LOL!

About Me

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In no particular order I'm a wife, mother, sister, daughter and general observer of humans.