Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble Gobble Goo and Gobble Gobble Gickel. I Wish Turkey Only Cost A Nickel

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I’m working tonight (Wednesday night) and then have to go home, finish a few devilled eggs I didn’t do yesterday, make a 7 layer salad and then try to catch a few hours of zzzzz’s. We’re eating dinner at my sister’s house at 1:00 and I don’t plan to get there until 12:30-1:00. Those bitches can wait on me. Dinner’s never served on time anyway.

I’ve done the head count a couple times and I think there’s going to be 15 of us. It should be fun. It’s my better side of the family. I’ll try to remember the camera. Getting pictures of people sleeping with their pants undone is always good for blackmail. Most will pay to keep that stuff off the Internet. *evil laugh!*

The only thing I'm not looking forward to, which my dear husband is, is the yearly broadcast of "Alice's Restaurant" played in it's entirety beginning at noon. Whooooo. Blake's gonna have a fit. I can hear it now. "Noooooot thiiiiiiis! I wanna hear the Ting Tings!" Goody.

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In no particular order I'm a wife, mother, sister, daughter and general observer of humans.