Monday, March 16, 2009

Survivor...not just a cheesy hair band

There is another boy who lives in our building that is about the same age as Emily and the boy I mentioned in my previous post. We'll call him "Princess". Princess is just one of those kids that you want to like but damn, he's just so annoying. He has to be better than everyone, he never shares and he whines and cries a lot for a boy.

When he was about 19 months old his dad died from cancer so it's a reason you want to like him and want to excuse his behavior because he's spent the last 8 years or so of his life being cared for by his mom and sister who is about 6 years older than him. He's been babied a lot and it shows. You want to excuse him, but its really hard.

The boy that I mentioned in my last post used to go over to "Princess'" house after school until his mom picked him up but he just can't stand to be around The Princess anymore, which is why he comes to our house after school. This past weekend after having it rubbed in his face by The Princess for about the 212th time that he didn't have a Nintendo DS, our little boy hero spouted, "I may not have a DS but I survived cancer and your dad didn't."


I wasn't there when it was said, I heard about it from another neighbor who WAS there. I don't know how Princess reacted and I don't know what was said to Boy Hero. I don't know how I would have reacted to either of them but I'm sure my initial reaction would have been to say, "AW SNAP!" and then I probably would have just felt bad for both of them. Boy Hero is not a rude kid, he's very nice but I think he's been taken to the brink by Princess and I'm not sure how building relationships will be changed after that. If Boy Hero's parents know what he said, I'm sure they will punish him for it and make him apologize. As far as The Princess is concerned, I'm sure he probably cried but he'll be back to his snotty behavior by tonight, don't worry.

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In no particular order I'm a wife, mother, sister, daughter and general observer of humans.