Monday, January 26, 2009


OK, so week 2 of Operation Get The Warren's Under Financial Control is going well. In fact, as an added surprise, Adam got a raise in his unemployment benefits. He's getting an additional $46 every 2 weeks, which is an extra 20 bucks in each of our pockets. I managed to stick to our budget this week and neither Adam nor I have been using our debit cards for spending. We've only used the cash I gave each of us on Friday. I was bad on Saturday when I got groceries I went a little over budget, probably about $15 total because I spent $130 on groceries instead of $125 and I spent about $10 at the dollar store, mostly on hand soap, which we wont get into. I even made the cashier ring up two separate bills at Wal-Mart paying for my own crap separate--make-up remover, hair dye, eyeliner brush and make-up sponges. Emily earned cash which was paid for from the tooth fairy and out of our own pockets. So all and all it's going well. Oh, and I will be putting $10 in our xmas fund again, but first I have to straighten some things out at the bank. Turns out after I made our car payment on Friday, the automated system at the bank went ahead and paid it again, for added measure. If they don't fix that then I could be a little screwed. This has happened to us before though and they've just posted the funds back to our account with no problems. Hopefully that will be the case again.

In other news I am totally captivated by the new president and his wife. I love all the photo montages that the national news sites have been featuring. I told Adam I think I have some sort of crush on Obama. Not in a "I wanna hump the President" kind of way, although if given the chance I'd totally do it just to say I did. Just to be like, "Yeah. I did him. I did the President." I would bet that despite the ruined dress and bad press, Monica Lewinsky is still riding on a bit of a cloud. Anyway, I'm really taken by this picture.

It gives a little sneak peak into the backstage of everything that happened that Tuesday and what must have been a total whirlwind of a day. And do you even sleep after a day like that? I mean, your body must totally crash. And poor Mrs. Obama's feet! Can you imagine the pedicure our girl Michelle must have been screaming for the next day??

In my opinion they just really look like they're mad about each other based on the way they are looking at each other in the different pictures I see. Obviously this could all be smoke and mirrors and perhaps they call each other names you would only call your neighbor who lets his dog crap on your front steps, but to me this looks to be the real thing. Not the fake thing like The Clinton's are trying to pass off like spam or imitation crab. They don't even look at each other. Ever notice that. If they are in each other's company and smiling it is because someone else is making them laugh. I imagine their house to actually be like two houses in one. Bill lives in one side, Hillary in the other and never the two shall meet. Why don't they just divorce? Show us you're really like the American people and do what 50% off all other marriages have already done. End it. Put yourselves out of misery. It's gotta be like holding in a fart for hours for them two every time they're in public. Bill. Hillary. Let it go before you explode.

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In no particular order I'm a wife, mother, sister, daughter and general observer of humans.