Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Yeah, I haven't posted in a while. Where have I been? Facebook, duh! Honestly nothing much has been happening. I still have the same job, same kids, same husband. Same everything. I have been looking for a full-time job, something that is on "our side of the river." What that means is in Iowa. The area I live in is in Iowa on the border of Illinois separated by the Mississippi. Driving over the bridge to my job, especially during 3rd shift and in the winter is HELL!! I hate it and after last winter and one particular ice storm where I slid across the bridge for quite a ways, almost crashing the car and then once I made it OFF the bridge I almost skidded off the highway I decided no more. I'm done. Well guess what? My year of searching for a full-time job I would like hasn't paid off yet. So as our area gets our first snowfall today, though small, I am motivated to take another look at my resume and get my butt out there. It's never too late.

So...did you miss me??

About Me

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In no particular order I'm a wife, mother, sister, daughter and general observer of humans.